When arriving at school, children from the age of three enter a new world, a place of socialisation with its own rules. They sometimes come with apprehension but also with curiosity. Our primary objective is to ensure that they will find the experience both interesting and pleasurable!
Cycle I Class 01 (3 years, 1p, 2p), Bilingual Education – Ana, Aurelie Laure and Dasa
Classes 1 and 2 are part of the first cycle of learning. They welcome pupils from ages 3 to 5 years.
The teaching is bilingual: two days in French and two days in English.
During these pivotal years between “infancy” and “childhood”, the children will start their learning journey, in a conscious and cooperative manner.
The pupils of both classes meet and work together on activity projects developed jointly by the teachers.
The child takes his/her place in the group by experimenting with ways of living together while respecting and listening to each other.
He/she develops a sense of initiative and the ability to take risks, such as expressing his/her emotions, presenting something that is important to him/her, giving his/her opinion, making proposals.
Through play, language, observation, manipulative play, movement, music, visual arts, children’s literature and spontaneous activities, children learn to express themselves, to develop their motor skills, to make choices, to experiment, to build their knowledge, to structure their own thinking and their vision of the world.
As the child becomes increasingly independent and responsible, he/she is encouraged to get dressed by him/herself, tidy up, gather materials for activities he/she wants to do, and carry out daily tasks related to the life of the class. This builds confidence and self-esteem.
As they progress through the first cycle, students become more aware of belonging to a class and experience working together. By working in small groups, each student can contribute his/her ideas and knowledge. Interactions around a common subject allow each student to progress at his/her own pace.
The written word plays an important role in class projects. The children use it, question it and experience their growing power over language. This observation of text and writing is completed by weekly visits to the school library in order to develop the interest and the pleasure of reading.
Philosophy is introduced into the classroom the first cycle. Children are encouraged to express themselves, to give their opinions and to take into account those of others. The subjects are based on questions from everyday life or from children’s literature.
Class councils and peer mediation are used to learn how to better manage conflicts through talking to each other.
At the end of the first cycle, pupils will have developed personal, academic and social skills that will enable them to continue their primary education.

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