The objectives

The learning objectives at Ecole Active are in line with those of the Plan d’Etudes Romand.

The school curricula

Ecole Active prepares students to join the Cycle d’Orientation or a private secondary school.

At school

Ecole Active welcomes children age 3 to 12 (8P: end of Primary school)
School days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Class hours: 8.30 am – 3.45 pm
All day service: The children bring their own lunch
Day care and supervised homework available

Learning curricula

In order to better personalize the teaching of the pupils, the academic learning objectives are grouped together at the end of four learning cycles divided between the age of 3 and the end of Primary.

  • Cycle I: age 3 to 5 (3 years-1P-2P)
  • Cycle II: age 6 to 8 (3P-4P)
  • Cycle III: age 8 to 10 (5P-6P)
  • Cycle IV: age 10 to 12 (7P-8P)

Each learning cycle has its own specific aims. Achieving the objectives of Cycle I is not mandatory to access Cycle II.

Upon starting Cycle II and for Cycles III and IV, each student has two years to achieve the learning objectives set for the end of each cycle. The abilities required are assessed regularly.

Learning in small groups allows a privileged exchange between pupils, under the guidance of teachers and teaching assistants.