Strengthen academic and social skills, help children to become active, autonomous and creative in their learning

Cycle III Class (5P-6P), Bilingual Education – Gaële and Natasha

The class is 75% French and 25% English bilingual immersion.

Cross-curricular priorities

  • To give meaning to learning: to know why we learn and for what purpose.
  • To stimulate curiosity: learn to work with pleasure.
  • To strengthen autonomy: to know how to do things alone and to ask for help when necessary.
  • To become a researcher: learning for oneself and with others, stimulating concentration, emulation, mutual support and solidarity.
  • To encourage the use of mistakes as tools in learning: not being afraid of making mistakes, acquiring self-correction strategies.
  • To strengthen self-confidence and self-esteem: value intra- and extra-curricular knowledge.
  • To develop critical and creative thinking: questioning, hypothesising, seeking answers.


  • Refine reading and writing skills: become a good reader, communicate through writing.
  • Work on spelling, research and study : to become more independent.
  • Practice grammar: interactive tables on types of words and functions with the aim of building mental images and stimulating a research posture.
  • Develop vocabulary by grouping and comparing: investigating the French language.
  • Study conjugation in children’s literature: building knowledge together, making links with what is already known, create your own conjugation manual.

Mathematics: orally, in writing and with the help of Cuisenaire rods

  • Problem solving: read and understand instructions, make mistakes, ask for help, find a solution, communicate a result, invent new “problem situations”.
  • Numeration: count, classify, write and read numbers.
  • Addition and subtraction: understand how they work, practice automatisms, understand and use algorithms.
  • Multiplication: construct and memorise the multiplication tables, establish links with addition, put the algorithm into practice, use it in “problem situations”.
  • Division: gain experience in “problem situations”.
  • Geometry-space: measure, compare, draw, manipulate, find the properties.

Philosophy: think, argue, create, share, listen, build.

Natural sciences and humanities: experiment, manipulate, read, discover, share and compile collective and individual research on a chosen topic.

Sports education: running, crawling, climbing, rolling, throwing, catching, playing, learning to win and lose.

Art& Crafts: experiment with different kinds of materials and creative expression.

Languages: English immersion one day a week / German lessons in small groups one day a week.

Library: a place of discovery and literary experience.

Life in the classroom

  • Classroom duties: tidy up the classroom, sweep and clean the tables.
  • Class meetings: 15 minutes in the morning and at the end of the afternoon in order to say hello and goodbye, to share experiences and to look back on the day, to feel part of the group.
  • The class council makes proposals, discusses problems, congratulates. It allows the children to share their thoughts at a special and ritualised moment, gives them recognition by the group. This 45-minute time each week is essential to improve the relationship between peers and the working atmosphere at school.
  • “Graines de médiateurs“ – a program promoted by the “Université de la Paix” in Namur (BE) is a great tool to practice empathy, listen to others and to oneself, to look for solutions and understand how we act in a conflict, how we can become a mediator.

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