The members of the Ecole Active team are committed to ensuring quality teaching, extracurricular activities, administration and maintenance of the school. They make Ecole Active a friendly place, invested in its pedagogy and connected to its environment.

The directorate of the school

The school is managed through co-leadership. The co-principals are the guarantors of the pedagogical framework and ethical values of the school. They promote the development of the school and are in charge of the administrative and financial management, in collaboration with the office manager.

The teaching staff

The team is made up of generalist and specialist teachers, teaching assistants and trainees. The teaching team meets every week to develop the learning objectives, follow up on each student throughout his/her schooling and ensure the realization of the pedagogical projects in progress. Outside contributors (psychologists, trainers, etc.) are regularly called upon to enrich the reflections and projects in progress.
The team makes collective decisions on pedagogical matters. This collegial approach guarantees the pedagogical and ethical coherence of the teaching at Ecole Active. The teachers are university graduates in their specific fields of teaching.

A team in training

The teaching staff is constantly looking for new teaching tools that are in line with their commitment to the Ecole Active pedagogical project. To this end, each year the team participates in continuing education programs within the framework of national and international training organizations. In addition, several members of the team are active in structures promoting the development and research in active pedagogy.

Recently completed education courses :

  • Multilingualism training: what activities? what issues (Labos de Babel – France)
  • Training in Nonviolent Communication (Vincent Delfosse, CNV Switzerland)
  • Training in Mathematics – Construction of numbers and arithmetic (Roland Charnay- ERMEL- France research group)
  • Training in Using Written language – Reading/Writing (Yvanne Chenouf, Association Française pour la Lecture- France)
  • Permaculture training (Permabondance-Geneva and Amrita- France)
  • Training in Shared Governance (Lydia Pizzoglio, Université du Nous, France)
  • Training in learning approaches with the Groupement Romand d’Education Nouvelle -Geneva
  • Training in Peace Education – Graines de Médiateurs (University of Peace, Namur)
  • Training in Mental Management (Institut de Formation Pédagogique, Geneva)
  • Training in leading philosophy workshops (ProPhilo, Geneva)
  • Training in mathematics and grammar (Une Education pour Demain, Maurice Laurent, Gattegno method)
  • Monitoring of philosophical communities of inquiry (Alexandre Herriger, trainer for teaching philosophy to children, Geneva)
  • Interview management with Sylvie Dubois (psychologist, psychotherapist Geneva)
  • Creating specific tools for managing rules and regulations (François Bullat educator at Le Point)
  • Assessment: programme, tools and documentation with Jean-Marc Hohl (teacher and trainer at the DIP)
  • Reading, spelling, grammar and mathematics with Maurice Laurent (Une Education pour Demain, Gattegno method)
  • Philosophy practice for children with Michel de Sasseville (Philosophy teacher at Laval University in Quebec)

The Team / Pictures

The whole team, their role and more


Julie Bonin


Emmanuel Bouvier


Monika Arnell Stoldt


Class 02

Caroline Januel


Class 02 and class 03

Ana Lérida Bhasin


Class 01

Aurélie Magnier


Class 01

Margaret Puchalka


Natasha Dowd


Class 03, 04 and class 05

Gaële Martignago


Class 04

Marie de Calignon


Class 05

Laure Pahin

Teaching assistant

Class 01

Eva Kapanci

Teaching assistant

Class 02

Ruth Leston

Teaching assistant

Class 02


Teaching assistant

Class 02

Laurie Delenne


Ingrid Di Martino


Arts & Craft

Boubacar Diallo


Cycle I teaching assistant, after-school care co-responsible

Margaux Bel

Librarian – after-school care


Adelina Da Costa


José Da Costa
